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10 Tips And 5 Ideas For Podcasting With Students

A podcast is an audio file that is distributed via the internet for downloading or streaming. Podcasts often have a radio talk show style and can range from being informative to purely entertainment. Podcasts are a great resource as they provide an immense library of free and original content that is easy to download and listen to. Creating a podcast is a wonderful learning experience for students. Students not only have to develop interesting content but must develop engaging expression as they present to a global audience on SoundCloud or iTunes Podcasts.

I find the app GarageBand the most effective podcasting tool for students. Audacity is a free alternative that can be downloaded on PC and Mac computers. Before students begin to record I always encourage them to plan their podcast. They must consider the purpose, audience, type of language and key ideas. Sometimes students will write a full script and in other lessons I just want them to note main points that can be developed into dialogue. Before students record their podcast I provide them with ten key guidelines:

10 Guidelines 

  • Practise speaking your podcast aloud before recording
  • Find a quiet space with minimal background noise
  • Turn the metronome off
  • Change the song length from 8 Bars to Automatic
  • Make sure your recording volume sits in the middle of the Volume Unit (VU) meter
  • Only use Small Room, Large Room and Dry Room for audio
  • Record a short musical introduction and conclusion using a smart instrument
  • Use a looped track at a lower volume under your voice to create a sense of atmosphere
  • Rename your podcast by double tapping on My Song and include your class and name in the title
  • Share your podcast using a class SoundCloud account

5 Podcasting Ideas

  1. Historical Interview: Create a podcast about a key historical figure or time period. Use an interview style to delve deeper into the motivations, perspectives and experiences of the historical figure. Example Governor Phillip.
  2. Excursion Recount: Rather than writing a recount of an excursion, record a podcast instead. Include interviews with other students and a summary of key experiences. Example HMAS Excursion.
  3. Musical Composition: Develop a music composition such 12 Bar Blues or Rock Song. Layer tracks to develop the song using range of instruments. Example E4 Chords Song.
  4. Creative Writing: Imagery and poetry can be brought to life by recording creative writing as a podcast. GarageBand tracks can also be exported to iMovie and transformed into digital stories. Example I Look Like A Girl Poem.
  5. Concept Rap: Use a backing track to create a rap that summarises key content on a topic. This activity encourages students to distill the important concepts and present them in an engaging manner. Example Rap Backing Track.

Question for you: How have you used podcasts in your classroom?

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