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Stem Gender Trends

Teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is critical in order to equip students for the future workforce. ‘Australia needs a STEM capable workforce if we are going to continue to prosper in an increasingly complex and competitive world’ (PwC 2016). STEM is more than body of knowledge, it is way of thinking. Students engaging with STEM must identify real world problems and think critically and creatively in order to find solutions. Consequently, STEM education is a key priority in Australian schools.

I have been privileged to participate in the Cultures of Thinking (CoT) Project directed by Dr Ron Ritchhart at Harvard Graduate School of Education. The CoT initiative seeks to empower educators as thinkers who interrogate practice in order to adapt to a changing word. The project challenges teachers to consider if they are equipping students as learners and thinkers. Our school worked closely with Mark Church to delve into inquiry and action research.

I was part of a research team who were particularly interested in whether achievement in STEM subjects is gender biased and how early these trends emerge. A report by Office of the Chief Scientist in 2016 revealed that women only comprise 16% of the STEM workforce. Given that up to 75% of the future workforce will require STEM skills, it is critical that girls engage in STEM subjects and co-curricular activities so they have equal opportunities in the future.

The key focus for our research team was data analysis measuring participation of girls and boys in STEM related activities across the school.

Primary School Co-Curricular Activities

In the Primary School we evaluated participation in STEM co-curricular activities by gender. The data was calculated by number of students in each club.

Primary School Co Curricular Activities

From this we determined the following:

  • Participation for girls decreased in older grades
  • Overall participation for girls and boys decreased in older grades
  • Coding clubs had a higher number of boys in all grades
  • Project clubs which required less technical skills had a higher number of girls
  • Clubs led by a female teacher had a higher number of girls (Y2 Coding, Y3-4 Robotics, Y3-4 ICT)
Mathematics Groups

The class data was evaluated by calculating the percentage of girls and boys in the grade. We chose to compare the percentage of students because each grade had slightly different numbers of girls and boys. Therefore using the percentage made each grade comparable.

We then looked at the inclusion of boys and girls in extension mathematics groups across Stages 1-5. Students in Years 1-10 are streamed by ability for mathematics. The grouping is determined by extensive standardised testing. In older grades there are more groups with smaller numbers in order to tailor differentiated curriculum to student needs.

Stage 1 V1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

From this we determined the following:

  • Selection of boys for extension mathematics was greater in all grades
  • The different number of girls and boys in extension mathematics was more pronounced in older grades
  • No hypothesis could be made based on the gender of the teacher because many extension mathematics teachers were female

Another research team conducted an analysis for STEM subjects in Years 11-12. Similar trends in the Primary School emerged in the High School but with even greater disparity. There was an even number of girls and boys who took Biology. But there was half the number of girls than boys who tool Physics and Chemistry. In Mathematics, Extension 1 and Extension 2 there were half the number of girls than boys in each class. Finally in Software Design there were no girls in the subject.


Since this research project we have taken a number of steps in order to address the gender disparity in STEM subjects and co-curricular activities.

  • Mentorship program partnering with UNSW where female students collaborate on STEM projects
  • Female guest speakers at the annual Innovation Showcase to inspire young girls to consider STEM professions in the future
  • Female teachers working alongside male teachers for STEM co-curricular activities, particularly in older grades
  • Seeking out female students to consider STEM leadership opportunities such as Year 6 ICT Leader
  • New staff leadership positions in the area of innovation across Primary School and High School, many of whom are female
  • Planning and construction of an Innovation Centre with opportunities for all students to explore and innovate in class and through Maker Space co-curricular activities

‘A vibrant capacity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is pivotal to increasing our nation’s productivity’ (NSW DET). Student motivation is key to deep learning and innovation in STEM education. It is critical that girls and boys are engaged in STEM subjects and co-curricular activities. Therefore schools must address the gender gap from a young age and consider how they can inspire female students in STEM education.

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    Think Teach Learn is my personal website and blog focused on thoughtful teaching. My mission is to inspire teachers to think strategically about their educational practice in order to truly engage their students.