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Category: Student Wellbeing

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2 Tools For Students To Develop Emotional Maturity

Managing emotions in relationships is a complex skill and a mark of maturity. Therefore, it is no surprise that children need coaching in order to develop greater control over their emotions in relationships. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People provides a range of strategies…
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Growing Happiness – Part 4

My last three posts about been about the science of happiness based on ‘The How of Happiness’ by Sonja Lyubomirsky.  The science of happiness is part of a growing body of research called ‘positive psychology’. The premise of the science of happiness is that we can…
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Growing Happiness – Part 3

In my last two posts I have written about the science of happiness based on ‘The How of Happiness’ by Sonja Lyubomirsky. The science of happiness is part of a growing body of research called ‘positive psychology’. The premise of the science of happiness is that…
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Growing Happiness – Part 2

In my last post I wrote about the science of happiness based on ‘The How of Happiness’ by Sonja Lyubomirsky. Scientific research has determined that there are three important factors that determine happiness. Your happiness set point is genetically determined and affects 50% of your happiness.…
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Bonsai Children – Part 2

In  last post I wrote about authoritative parenting and teaching based on Judith Locke’s ‘The Bonsai Child’. Locke is a clinical psychologist and former teacher who specialises in parenting and child wellbeing. Bonsai is an ancient Asian art of cultivating miniature trees. Bonsai trees rely upon…
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Uplifting Leadership For Students

I recently attended a professional development taken by Andy Hargreaves on the topic Uplifting Leadership. Uplift is the force that raises our performance, spirits and community. At a personal level, uplift impacts our feelings and emotions. We feel a sense of uplift as we serve others…
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6 Steps To Deal With Bullying

Jack was nervous about going to school. He knew that Victor was going to use his new hair cut as another opportunity to tear him down. Yesterday it had been his Toy Story lunch box, today it would be his haircut and tomorrow would be something…
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Digital Culture And Sleep Deprivation

Technology saturates many of our waking moments. But how does it impact our rest and sleep? Technology is an incredibly powerful tool, which can help achieve great educational goals. Therefore, in this digital era we need to be thoughtful and strategic with our use of technology…
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Social And Emotional Needs Of Gifted Students

Students who are gifted have a unique set of social and emotional characteristics. Listen to Max’s story: Max has not only been highly gifted all of his life, but also somewhat adolescent all of his life…at 14, he can display a ferocious insistence for justice with…
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