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Category: Teaching Tips

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123 Magic – Part 2

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges for teachers is managing difficult student behaviour. Nothing is more exhausting than ongoing disruptive behaviours that inhibit student learning. This is compounded a child displays challenging behaviour at home and school. Therefore it is necessarily to implement a unified plan…
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10 De-Escalation Techniques To Manage Student Behaviour

I strongly believe that confidence in effective behaviour management is paramount to successful teaching. Classrooms with a positive tone, clear boundaries and established expectations are most conducive to learning. A teacher who can manage student behaviour is far more positive, confident and engaging towards students. The…
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Growing Happiness – Part 4

My last three posts about been about the science of happiness based on ‘The How of Happiness’ by Sonja Lyubomirsky.  The science of happiness is part of a growing body of research called ‘positive psychology’. The premise of the science of happiness is that we can…
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Bonsai Children – Part 2

In  last post I wrote about authoritative parenting and teaching based on Judith Locke’s ‘The Bonsai Child’. Locke is a clinical psychologist and former teacher who specialises in parenting and child wellbeing. Bonsai is an ancient Asian art of cultivating miniature trees. Bonsai trees rely upon…
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8 Creative Ipad Projects To Finish The School Year

As Andy Williams’ carol says ‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year’. The final few weeks of the year are incredibly special for Primary School teaches. Reports are finished, much of the curriculum content is covered and you have a week or to to really…
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Uplifting Leadership For Students

I recently attended a professional development taken by Andy Hargreaves on the topic Uplifting Leadership. Uplift is the force that raises our performance, spirits and community. At a personal level, uplift impacts our feelings and emotions. We feel a sense of uplift as we serve others…
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10 Tips For Becoming A Researcher In Education

For many teachers, educational research was key in our university years but feels very disconnected from every day teaching. However, thinking about educational practitioner research is critical for effective teaching and school improvement. Not only should teachers stay up to date with current educational research, but also…
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Do Students Prefer Collaborative Or Individual Work?

Do children prefer collaborative or individual work? Is collaborative or individual work more effective in promoting a disposition for deep thinking and understanding? Ritchhart, Church and Morrison authors of Making Thinking Visible endorse that listening to and evaluating the ideas of others is incredibly valuable for…
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Inspiring Digital Natives Through Ict Competitions

The students that we teach are digital natives. They live in a media-saturated world where they are surrounded by computers, videogames, digital music players, cell phones and other tools of the digital age. Digital natives are adept at multi tasking, rapidly receive information, favour graphics over text…
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10 Tips And 5 Ideas For Podcasting With Students

A podcast is an audio file that is distributed via the internet for downloading or streaming. Podcasts often have a radio talk show style and can range from being informative to purely entertainment. Podcasts are a great resource as they provide an immense library of free and original content…
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