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Category: Teaching Tips

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Ipad Golden Rules

It is hard to believe that the first iPad was only released in 2010. The iPad is an incredibly powerful learning tool used every day in classrooms across the globe. Since 2014 over 200 million iPads have been sold and the app store has over 500…
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Why My Day Book Went Digital

If you had told me two years ago that my day book would go digital I would have smiled kindly but been unconvinced. I was very committed to my day book for planning my teaching week and my Kiki K diary for organising my personal life.…
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6 Connections Between Education And Law

When I began teaching I never thought I’d be writing a blog post on the intersection between education and the law. However, legal issues relating to the teacher-student and employer-employee relationships are pertinent to all educators. For education and law, it is important to remember the…
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Using Samr Model For Ict Integration

To quote the rationale from BOSTES Science and Technology curriculum, in 21st century education teachers are seeking to provide opportunities for students to ‘think and act critically and creatively…by becoming technologically literate citizens’.  But what model should teachers use in order to effectively integrate technology across…
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New Science And Technology Australian Curriculum

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has developed the Australian Curriculum for English, Mathematics, Science and History. In NSW the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) has developed syllabuses that include the Australian curriculum content as well as additional explanation and information to clarify…
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6 Steps To Deal With Bullying

Jack was nervous about going to school. He knew that Victor was going to use his new hair cut as another opportunity to tear him down. Yesterday it had been his Toy Story lunch box, today it would be his haircut and tomorrow would be something…
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How To Encourage Thinking

I have been challenged this week to consider what it means to create a culture of thinking within the classroom and the wider school environment. Is an effective educational curriculum about completing outcomes, covering content and tying a neat bow with an end of unit assessment? A…
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New Mathematics Australian Curriculum

This is the first year of implementation for the Australian Curriculum. This curriculum has been developed by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). ACARA has employed rigorous and robust curriculum development processes to produce a high-quality national curriculum. In NSW the Board of Studies, Teaching…
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Digital Culture And Sleep Deprivation

Technology saturates many of our waking moments. But how does it impact our rest and sleep? Technology is an incredibly powerful tool, which can help achieve great educational goals. Therefore, in this digital era we need to be thoughtful and strategic with our use of technology…
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The Key To Effective And Efficient Marking

I have haunting memories from my first year of teaching of piles of books waiting to be marked. I would teach an exciting and powerful writing lesson only to be slapped in the face with pages of marking. Perhaps the most deterring part of a teaching…
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