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Category: Teaching Tips

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Creating A Positive Digital Footprint

What is digital citizenship? Today technology pervades very area of life. Our students have access to a range of devices all with internet connectivity, from tablets to televisions to computers to gaming systems. We are all digital citizenships. But what type of footprint are our students…
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10 Tips For Report Writing

Writing reports can be an overwhelming process for all teachers. Most of us retreat for the first half of Terms 2 and 4, only to emerge bleary eyed and questioning our motivations for teaching. After a number of years of teaching I feel like I’ve developed…
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Children Typing

5 Ways Blogging Helps Students Write

“A blog is about words. Pictures with writing, beautiful quotes, clever topography…A few carefully arranged words can say what thousands can’t and can connect people”. A blog is a fantastic way to provide meaning, quality and purpose to writing by connecting students with a global online…
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Email Treasure Hunts

A key skill for the Year 3 students at my school is learning to send emails. We coach them on etiquette for composing and responding, the differences between the fields, creating informative subject headings and much more. We thought it would be good to ground this…
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10 Ways To Use Imovie For Teaching

At a two day professional development course I connected with a teacher who works in a small rural primary school with six students. She has an iPad for each of her students but was unsure where to start to use them in her teaching. She asked…
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How To Screen Cast With Kindergarten Students

I am always looking for apps that empower children to engage in meaningful learning experiences. I promote apps that can be used for all ages of students across the curriculum to empower constructivist learning. Screen casting is the process of recording short videos where the author speaks,…
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A System For Learning To Spell

At school I scored very well in four unit English, however despite my passion for writing and literary analysis, my reports consistently mentioned my poor spelling. This week I just completed a phonics course using THRASS (Teaching Handwriting Reading And Spelling Skills). This has been a…
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How Do Children Develop Vocabulary?

I have a lot of friends with little children, who often ask my advice about how to support their son or daughter as they begin to speak, read and write. Vocabulary development is the key. This topic of particular interest to me as I lecture in…
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Helping Students

6 Ways To Manage Behaviour Positively

You might have vivid memories of a teacher losing it and completely belittling someone in your class for misbehaving. Perhaps that kid was you? Familiar phrases such as “What are you doing?” “I’m absolutely sick you” “I’m over your behaviour today” might help the teacher to…
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8 Tips To Make Parent Teacher Interviews Run Smoothly

There’s more to parent teacher interviews than a nice meet and greet. It’s an opportunity to foster the education of kids in your class or put up a barrier which hinders teamwork between teachers and parents. I have vivid memories of my first parent teacher interviews.…
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