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Tag: Happiness

Helping Anxious Students

5 Tools For Anxious Children

Recently I had the privilege of talking to a little boy who had seen a psychologist for anxiety. As he shared some of the strategies he had learnt in the session, I was reminded of the myriad of powerful and immensely practical tools we have at…
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Body Confident Kids – Part 2

Last week I wrote about how educators and parents can encourage students to have positive body image. This post was inspired by a presentation from clinical psychologists Dr Louise George and Ariana Elias from Raising Body Confident Kids. Their presentation addressed critical skills and tools to prevent…
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Body Confident Kids – Part 1

Recently we invited Dr Louise George and Ariana Elias to present to our parents and students on the topic Raising Body Confident Kids. Both Louise and Ariana are psychologists with extensive clinical and research experience in the field of eating disorders and body image concerns. Sadly this topic…
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School Refusal And Anxiety – Part 2

Last week I wrote about school refusal and anxiety after attending a very thought provoking course presented by child and adolescent psychiatrist, Professor Gordon. The key message throughout the day was that the treatment for school refusal is exposure to school. The longer students are away…
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School Refusal And Anxiety – Part 1

Anxiety and school refusal is a challenging and prevalent issue for parents and teachers. School refusal is present in almost every school and has significant consequences for young people. There are a number of factors that contribute to school refusal including anxiety (separation, social or generalised),…
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2 Tools For Students To Develop Emotional Maturity

Managing emotions in relationships is a complex skill and a mark of maturity. Therefore, it is no surprise that children need coaching in order to develop greater control over their emotions in relationships. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People provides a range of strategies…
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Playground for Students

8 Tips To Embrace Playground Duty

Playground duty is an anomaly for educators that just doesn’t extend into the business world. Morning tea and lunch are usually the times that workers use to take some time out, catch their breath and relax. Not so for teachers! Playground duty can often be more…
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Growing Happiness – Part 4

My last three posts about been about the science of happiness based on ‘The How of Happiness’ by Sonja Lyubomirsky.  The science of happiness is part of a growing body of research called ‘positive psychology’. The premise of the science of happiness is that we can…
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Growing Happiness – Part 3

In my last two posts I have written about the science of happiness based on ‘The How of Happiness’ by Sonja Lyubomirsky. The science of happiness is part of a growing body of research called ‘positive psychology’. The premise of the science of happiness is that…
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Growing Happiness – Part 2

In my last post I wrote about the science of happiness based on ‘The How of Happiness’ by Sonja Lyubomirsky. Scientific research has determined that there are three important factors that determine happiness. Your happiness set point is genetically determined and affects 50% of your happiness.…
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