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Tag: iPad

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8 Creative Ipad Projects To Finish The School Year

As Andy Williams’ carol says ‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year’. The final few weeks of the year are incredibly special for Primary School teaches. Reports are finished, much of the curriculum content is covered and you have a week or to to really…
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Ipad Golden Rules

It is hard to believe that the first iPad was only released in 2010. The iPad is an incredibly powerful learning tool used every day in classrooms across the globe. Since 2014 over 200 million iPads have been sold and the app store has over 500…
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10 Ways To Use Imovie For Teaching

At a two day professional development course I connected with a teacher who works in a small rural primary school with six students. She has an iPad for each of her students but was unsure where to start to use them in her teaching. She asked…
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