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Tag: Mindfulness

Helping Anxious Students

5 Tools For Anxious Children

Recently I had the privilege of talking to a little boy who had seen a psychologist for anxiety. As he shared some of the strategies he had learnt in the session, I was reminded of the myriad of powerful and immensely practical tools we have at…
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Playground for Students

8 Tips To Embrace Playground Duty

Playground duty is an anomaly for educators that just doesn’t extend into the business world. Morning tea and lunch are usually the times that workers use to take some time out, catch their breath and relax. Not so for teachers! Playground duty can often be more…
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Growing Happiness – Part 4

My last three posts about been about the science of happiness based on ‘The How of Happiness’ by Sonja Lyubomirsky.  The science of happiness is part of a growing body of research called ‘positive psychology’. The premise of the science of happiness is that we can…
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