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Tag: Parenting

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123 Magic – Part 3

In my first weeks working as Deputy I was asked to support a beginning teacher who was struggling with behaviour management. After observing a few lessons it was clear that he needed a consistent approach with clear expectations, accompanied by a more positive relationship with his…
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123 Magic – Part 2

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges for teachers is managing difficult student behaviour. Nothing is more exhausting than ongoing disruptive behaviours that inhibit student learning. This is compounded a child displays challenging behaviour at home and school. Therefore it is necessarily to implement a unified plan…
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123 Magic – Part 1

Management of difficult behaviour in students is best approached collaboratively by home and school. This is why I love 123 Magic as a framework for Primary School students. The program has been written for school and home, providing children with clear expectations and boundaries for behaviour.…
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Body Confident Kids – Part 2

Last week I wrote about how educators and parents can encourage students to have positive body image. This post was inspired by a presentation from clinical psychologists Dr Louise George and Ariana Elias from Raising Body Confident Kids. Their presentation addressed critical skills and tools to prevent…
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Body Confident Kids – Part 1

Recently we invited Dr Louise George and Ariana Elias to present to our parents and students on the topic Raising Body Confident Kids. Both Louise and Ariana are psychologists with extensive clinical and research experience in the field of eating disorders and body image concerns. Sadly this topic…
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School Refusal And Anxiety – Part 2

Last week I wrote about school refusal and anxiety after attending a very thought provoking course presented by child and adolescent psychiatrist, Professor Gordon. The key message throughout the day was that the treatment for school refusal is exposure to school. The longer students are away…
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School Refusal And Anxiety – Part 1

Anxiety and school refusal is a challenging and prevalent issue for parents and teachers. School refusal is present in almost every school and has significant consequences for young people. There are a number of factors that contribute to school refusal including anxiety (separation, social or generalised),…
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Bonsai Children – Part 2

In  last post I wrote about authoritative parenting and teaching based on Judith Locke’s ‘The Bonsai Child’. Locke is a clinical psychologist and former teacher who specialises in parenting and child wellbeing. Bonsai is an ancient Asian art of cultivating miniature trees. Bonsai trees rely upon…
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