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Tag: Wellbeing

Helping Anxious Students

5 Tools For Anxious Children

Recently I had the privilege of talking to a little boy who had seen a psychologist for anxiety. As he shared some of the strategies he had learnt in the session, I was reminded of the myriad of powerful and immensely practical tools we have at…
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Managing Conflict With Parents – Part 1

Home and school partnership is key to student flourishing. When there is a positive rapport between teacher and parents, students are more likely to improve academic results, develop resilience and increase self-esteem. But when the relationship between teacher and parent is strained, it can be a…
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Helping Anxious Children – Part 3

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns for adults and children today. At times I am overwhelmed by the many anxious children who I connect with in my school on a daily basis. I recently read an incredibly practical and powerful book called ‘Helping Your Anxious Child’. The…
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Helping Anxious Children – Part 2

Last week I wrote a post ‘Helping Anxious Children – Part 1‘. The post introduced a wonderful book ‘Helping Your Anxious Child’, which is a step by step guide for parents to help their children overcome anxiety. In the post I outlined the types of anxiety and how to use detective…
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Helping Students

Helping Anxious Children – Part 1

Anxiety disorders present in approximately one out of ten children. This statistic seems very real in classrooms today. I often speak to teaching colleagues who feel ill equipped to support the large number students (and parents) suffering from anxiety. Over the holidays I read a superb…
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Body Confident Kids – Part 2

Last week I wrote about how educators and parents can encourage students to have positive body image. This post was inspired by a presentation from clinical psychologists Dr Louise George and Ariana Elias from Raising Body Confident Kids. Their presentation addressed critical skills and tools to prevent…
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Body Confident Kids – Part 1

Recently we invited Dr Louise George and Ariana Elias to present to our parents and students on the topic Raising Body Confident Kids. Both Louise and Ariana are psychologists with extensive clinical and research experience in the field of eating disorders and body image concerns. Sadly this topic…
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6 Tips For Developing Work Life Balance

Teaching is an all consuming profession. The school day certainly isn’t 9:00am to 3:00pm and school holidays are usually times of planning. At times it can seem like there is never an end to preparation, marking and emails. However, ultimately there is never an end point…
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School Refusal And Anxiety – Part 2

Last week I wrote about school refusal and anxiety after attending a very thought provoking course presented by child and adolescent psychiatrist, Professor Gordon. The key message throughout the day was that the treatment for school refusal is exposure to school. The longer students are away…
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School Refusal And Anxiety – Part 1

Anxiety and school refusal is a challenging and prevalent issue for parents and teachers. School refusal is present in almost every school and has significant consequences for young people. There are a number of factors that contribute to school refusal including anxiety (separation, social or generalised),…
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