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Teaching Direction Using Scratch Coding

As part of the NSW Science and Technology Syllabus, students must learn skills in visual coding. Primary students need to describe and follow a sequence of steps to solve problems using visual programming language. Visual coding involves computational thinking. The process of computational thinking requires students to break down a problem, interpret patterns, then create and implement solutions.

This week I had tremendous fun working with Year 4 to develop visual coding skills as part of their Mathematics learning sequence on directional language. Students were learning about the compass points North, South, East and West. We used Scratch to create a program script for an animal to move around a map following a series of directions requiring compass points. In order to use Scratch with your class you need to sign up for an Educators Account. This not only gives you access to a range of lesson plans and teaching resources, but it also allows you to set up and manage student accounts.

In our lesson students were given the challenge that their Sprite (the animal they chose to animate) had to follow the directions to reach a park, house, parking station and then return to the start. To begin with they uploaded the map below as the background. They then reduced the size of the Sprite to 40% and moved it to the top left hand corner of the screen. They then added four block code instructions. These starting instructions ensured that each time they tested their code, the Sprite would begin from the same starting point facing East.

  1. Event: When flag clicked
  2. Motion: Go to x and y (for the starting point)
  3. Motin: Point in direction 90
  4. Control: Wait 2 seconds

Y4 Map Coding

Students then had to follow a series of mapping instructions to program their Sprite. They were told that the instructions should follow the basic pattern below. We chose to use the move block rather than glide block because it required students to determine distances for the Sprite to move rather than gliding to a set of coordinates. It was important to have a wait or say block in between moving so that the path of the Sprite could be followed. Without a wait or say block the Sprite would move to the final point, but the path taken could not be observed.

  • Motion: Point in direction
  • Motion: Move
  • Control or Look: Wait 2 seconds or Say for 2 seconds

Once students completed the task they shared it on Scratch and added it to a class studio so their teacher and peers could view their work. In addition students shared their project to their digital portfolio on Seesaw. Some students progressed to an extension activity where they were given a choice of more two more complex maps. They then created their own sequence of steps to move the Sprite to different locations. As they programmed the Sprite’s movements they also had to write a series of corresponding directions that were added as instructions when their project was published.

Y4 Map Coding Ext

This learning activity really elicited computational thinking as students produced a systematic solution to a problem. Students had to ensure that their code was organised logically and followed the correct pattern. They had to think creatively when their Sprite didn’t follow the desired path and determine an alternative solution. Throughout the lesson there were many discussions about mathematical concepts including directional language, coordinates, compass points, measuring angles and length.

The students felt a great sense of satisfaction when they completed the first task and then excitement as they embarked on a more open ended learning task to extend their understanding. In fact there was such a buzz following the lessons that we decided to set a follow up homework activity for students. I look forward to seeing what unique and creative projects they produce!


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    Think Teach Learn is my personal website and blog focused on thoughtful teaching. My mission is to inspire teachers to think strategically about their educational practice in order to truly engage their students.