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Category: Productivity

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12 Tips For Sleep

School holidays are a wonderful opportunity to catch up on much needed sleep. It is glorious to sleep in and not be a slave to your alarm. However, whilst school holidays provide the prospect of sleep, many teachers find that they don’t always get the much…
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12 Tips For Finishing The School Year

The end of the school year is just around the corner. At this point teachers often marvel at the progress their students have made and feel nostalgic about finishing with their class. At the same time teachers are often exhausted, running on adrenaline and wondering how…
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6 Tips For Developing Work Life Balance

Teaching is an all consuming profession. The school day certainly isn’t 9:00am to 3:00pm and school holidays are usually times of planning. At times it can seem like there is never an end to preparation, marking and emails. However, ultimately there is never an end point…
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Playground for Students

8 Tips To Embrace Playground Duty

Playground duty is an anomaly for educators that just doesn’t extend into the business world. Morning tea and lunch are usually the times that workers use to take some time out, catch their breath and relax. Not so for teachers! Playground duty can often be more…
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3 Tips For A Healthy Body And Brain

Recently Michele Chevalley Hedge spoke at a Wellbeing Conference hosted at Emanuel School on the topic ‘Healthy body and brain in your child – It’s all in their food’. Her presentation inspired me personally to consider my diet, but also to think about the messages we…
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Why My Day Book Went Digital

If you had told me two years ago that my day book would go digital I would have smiled kindly but been unconvinced. I was very committed to my day book for planning my teaching week and my Kiki K diary for organising my personal life.…
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The Key To Effective And Efficient Marking

I have haunting memories from my first year of teaching of piles of books waiting to be marked. I would teach an exciting and powerful writing lesson only to be slapped in the face with pages of marking. Perhaps the most deterring part of a teaching…
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10 Tips For Report Writing

Writing reports can be an overwhelming process for all teachers. Most of us retreat for the first half of Terms 2 and 4, only to emerge bleary eyed and questioning our motivations for teaching. After a number of years of teaching I feel like I’ve developed…
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How Wunderlist Keeps Me Organised

Every time I show a fellow colleague or friend Wunderlist, they always leave wowed by its simplicity and incredible power in organization and productivity. I came across Wunderlist last year in a particularly busy season. I was working as K-6 Curriculum Coordinator, implementing an iPad one…
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