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I have experience speaking at a number of conferences and schools on the topics of ICT Integration, Gifted Education and Christian Education. If you would like to invite me to speak at your event or run a professional learning workshop, please contact me via the contact page. Below are overviews my most popular keynote and workshop presentations.


Blogging for Students

What is blogging and how can students engage with this social media in the educational context? In this presentation I highlight at the benefits of blogging including reflective thinking, showcasing learning and teaching about digital citizenship. I also look at the practical steps to set up blogs for classes and individual students.

iBooks for Education

What are iBooks and how can they created for students? In this presentation I address the benefits of iBooks and why they are such an engaging platform for learning. I also explain the steps to create an iBook and the process to publish on the iBook Store.

Digital Citizenship

How are we equipping our students as digital citizens of the 21st Century? This presentation is about teaching our students to be responsible digital citizens and consider the type of footprint they are creating in this digital world. I walk through a scope and sequence of key concepts and skills related to digital citizenship for Years K-6 and how to implement these in the classroom.

Gifted Education

Introduction to Gifted Education

What are the characteristics of gifted students and how can we best cater for them in our schools? This presentation looks at Gagne’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent, the levels of giftedness and the unique cognitive and affective characteristics of gifted students. I also look at ways to identify gifted students and strategies for differentiating the curriculum to accomodate for gifted learners.

Using ICTs for Gifted Students

How can we engage gifted learners through integration of ICTs in the curriculum? This presentation explores Puentedura’s SAMR model and the implications for gifted students. I apply Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Williams Model to engaging technology based learning experiences. I explain each element of these models through a digital learning tool and student work sample.

Christian Education

Christian Worldview

In what ways can a Christian worldview be authentically integrated across the curriculum? This presentation addresses the application of a Christian worldview and how this intersects with the classroom. I draw upon the importance of topic specific biblical rationales and then explore a number of practical applications to units of work from a range of curriculum areas.

Think Teach Learn is my personal website and blog focused on thoughtful teaching. My mission is to inspire teachers to think strategically about their educational practice in order to truly engage their students.